Read this first...
Here's my version catered to my child:
1. MUST suck my thumb right now.
2. Molly thinks it's funny when I pull her tail.
3. I wanna eat a banana.
4. I wanna eat all of the bananas.
6. That toy is mine.
7. I'm gonna take that toy from Carson.
9. I wanna run away from time out.
10. Mommy is funny.
11. I wanna run away from time out.
12. Mommy is funny but why isn't she laughing when I run?
13. When is the dingy going to go off?
14. I wanna take that toy from Carson again.
15. I love my guitar.
16. I am the best singer ever.
17. Can my voice get louder?
18. I wanna chase Molly with my guitar.
19. Molly is so funny.
20. I wanna take baby Evie's pacifier.
21. Baby Evie's pacifier is mine.
23. Mommy's phone is mine.
24. The TV is mine.
25. I wanna watch Sesame Street.
26. Why won't mommy turn on Sesame Street?
27. The remote is mine.
28. I think mommy's phone goes in my microwave.
29. No I did not poop.
30. But now that you mention it I'm going to stick my hand in my diaper and make sure.
31. Oh I did poop.
32. Get this crap off my hands!!!
33. No I don't want to wash my hands.
34. Get this crap off my hands!!!
35. I wanna grab the faucet.
36. Why am I all wet?
37. Get my wet clothes off!!!!
38. I don't want a new diaper.
39. Where is Go Do Go?
40. I NEED to read Go Dog Go.
41. I bet Carson stole Go Dog Go.
42. I only want to eat bananas.
43. Why can't I have another banana????
44. That banana Carson has is MINEEEEEEEE!!!!
45. I love story time.
46. I love my blanket.
47. I love sucking my thumb.
48. I love Go Dog Go.
49. No thank you. I do not want to take a nap.
50. I don't care if Carson and Evie are sleeping. I am the best, loudest singer ever.
51. I want Carson to wake up.
52. I love Go Dog Go.
53. Beds are for reading and singing....not sleeping.
54. No mommy I am not tired.
56. I just want another banana.
57. I love sucking my thumb.
58. Is baby Evie crying? Why does she get to be up?
59. Where is Carson? Where is mommy? Where is Molly?
60. When did I go to sleep? Mommy I AM HERE!!!!
SIDE NOTE- I am way behind on the new header. I am way behind on blogging in general. You should see the state of my house. And we leave to go to the beach again tomorrow! Have a good weekend and maybe, just maybe, I can get my act together next week.
SO FUNNY! Have a good time at the beach! :)