I had this whole plan for a post about Evie's party and it just never happened. Here's what I can tell you about that week:
1) The world lost an exceptional woman with the passing of my aunt Linda. She was the kindest soul, the most nurturing mother/wife/grandmother/aunt, and the most passionate teacher. I feel lucky to have been a small speck in the web of her family.
2) I went to a baby shower and came home with a stomach bug. Well, me and a few others that is. It seems I got the least of it. However, if that's the case then I feel that the others probably should have been hospitalized.
3) Even with switching Evie's party from Saturday to Sunday so we could go celebrate the life of my aunt, the party was a success! I think she had fun anyway ;-) That weekend my sweet little Evie and her bright blue eyes showed me what the circle of life really looks like. I can already tell she has that feisty yet loving personality that my aunt Linda was so well known for.
Here's a rundown of the party in pictures...
Up to no good...
She's working on the walking.
Also up to no good!
A little thrown together but very fun!
Cute little cake for a cute little girl.
Dulce de Leche Cupcakes
I just love this picture of Skip and Cole.
These two seriously crack me up. Every time they see each other it's like a big old hugfest. Priceless.
So unbelievably cute.
Did I use the word cute yet?
Are they related? I promise they had fun.
It's cake time ya'll!
She is one determined little chick.
I think she liked it!
And she's tapping out.
Oh my goodness I could just smooch that face all day long!
For me?!?
It's a good thing aunt Kimmie can help me learn how to be stylish.
Alright, stay tuned for tomorrow's post which will actually have more pictures than this one does.

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