Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One on one

My week is pretty frantic these days. Lots of diaper changing and meltdown mending. Mondays, Wednesdays, and sometimes Fridays leave almost no room for one on one time. I love having Carson here for so many reasons. But, I have to admit that I do look forward to the one on one time I get with my girls on Tuesday and Thursday. Those are the days when I really get to just be with Evie while Lila is at PDO. That being said, Lila's one on one time isn't as much as it should be. She comes home from PDO and promptly passes out. Usually, if I can swing it, Evie is asleep then too. But sometimes Evie sleeps after Lila. This would be the schedule I am aiming for but it doesn't always work out. However, on the days that it does I try really hard to just give Lila as much hugs and attention as possible.

This can be tricky. She wakes up from her nap recharged and being her loud self while Evie is trying to nap. Lately I have been trying to come up with activities to do with Lila during this time that are quiet yet engaging enough. Yesterday it totally worked out.

Lila loves my computer. She isn't allowed to play with it alone so when I sit with her and play on it she thinks it's such a big girl thing to do. She likes to find the letters and type them in different colors. We got going with this and I talked her though typing the names of people we know. She would choose "their" color and then I would spell it out and she would find the letters. After Josie she lost interest! For some reason this was so much fun for both of us! Here is the result:


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