Yes, that's my 15 month old reminiscing the good old days in Carson's carseat carrier.
Anyway, I took my grumpy pants (oh and my family) to the park today. If you have kids and you have never been to the Liane Levetan Park at Brook Run in Dunwoody you must go stat. They have playground equipment for every age, including toddlers. Seriously, it's glorious. Granted, it's surrounded by dilapidated, run down buildings. Not sure what's going on with that. BUT, we had a great time.
Of course, there were things she did not like. For some reason the swings have never been her thing.
And those big blue tunnels? Let's just say we tried to show her how much fun they can be. I mean, Seth tried.
But even after he went through, she turned around and left.
And only our child would choose to play with the rocks in the grass for extensive amounts of time in the midst of a playground wonderland. We see a geologist in our future.
Finally, the sweaty aftermath ensues. Can you tell she had fun?
Sorry for the picture heavy post. I am tapped out tonight.
PS - Apparently I need to recant my admiration for the the flight attendant in the previous post. Seth told me he was wasted during the job and some other details about his actual behavior I can't recall right now. Regardless, the sentiment of my post remains the same :-) Happy Monday ya'll.

You should use the 2nd picture of her at the playground...super cute.