I had a feeling something else was coming for my birthday. So I did what any pain in the ass wife would do and I began asking too many questions. I began tabulating the possibilities in my head. I mean, you only turn 30 once right? I couldn’t imagine such a day passing without some type of celebration (not planned by me). As my birthday came and went I got a little agitated. Maybe I was feeling too entitled. I know I was feeling disappointed. I harassed my sister at length. She’s a fantastic actress. I bugged my good friend Kim who also put on quite a show. So here’s how things went down.
As last week progressed and I became more and more concerned that there was no such celebration, I decided I needed a night out anyway. I asked Kim if we could go out in Atlanta like we used to do and just spend the night at her place afterward. She thought that was a great idea and she even invited our other friend Meg (who happened to turn 30 on Wednesday). So it was set. Kim asks me later in the week if we can go to some party that her coworker was having so that she could meet a guy that is friends with the husband of the coworker. Of course, I was all for it! Meg was a little harder to convince. She thought maybe there was something planned for her birthday and she wanted to talk to her husband, Skip, to see if anything was going on. When Skip made it clear that he had stuff going on over the weekend and she could do whatever she wanted, Meg agreed to go. I could tell she was agitated too though.
Meg comes to get me to head to Kim’s. The plan was to go out to dinner before going to the “coworker’s party”. When Meg and I are in the car we discuss at length why there couldn’t possibly be a party. My mom was going “on a date”. My sister “went to Augusta to see her boyfriend”. Meg’s parents live in Texas and “couldn’t come to Atlanta this weekend”. But all along we were both thinking what if? Could something still be going on? So we get to Kim’s and she is drinking wine and acting kind of panicky. She goes on about how nervous she is to meet this guy. She even tells us his name. So we go to dinner and while Kim is away from the table Meg and I agree there is no party because Kim is all out of sorts about meeting this guy. We get in the car and head to the “coworker’s party” at some bar in Midtown.
Well, as I’m sure you’ve figured out there was no guy. There was a party though! Seth and Skip had rented out the top floor of Engine 11. We had an amazing time. Our friends and family were all there and our husbands just really outdid themselves. Good job honey.
Meg made the tragic mistake of drinking liquor all night and (sorry Meg) that ended up being the most entertaining part of it all. (I wasn’t exactly sober either)....
The boys also got two rooms at the Georgian Terrace. I mean am I the luckiest chick or what?
Lastly, there's no better way to end your 30th birthday than by watching one of your best friends end her 30th birthday barfing in the middle of the nicest neighborhood in Atlanta the morning after such an amazing surprise party. Bravo Meg. What you can't see from the picture are the million dollar homes in the background. You also can't see the people walking their dogs as we let her out to puke. I can only hope my "dirty thirties", as the evite said, are nearly as much fun as my twenties have been.

The a true sign of an awesome party is barfing the next morning! You ladies know how to party!!!!!!! I can relate, I was praying to the porcelain god last week after having too much to drink one night at happy hour. PARTY ON !!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you guys and a great time and Happy Birthday!! You are truly blessed to have a husband and friends to plan such a special celebration!
Welcome to the 30 club!