There are so many times where I look around and think I am incredibly blessed and lucky and yet just as many times where I don't feel grateful enough. I have spent the past week feeling frustrated, irritated, and outright bratty about the roller coaster that has become my refrigerator. It stops working, it starts working...I empty it, I fill stops again. We pay for a home warranty to make dealing with these things easier and we are now on service company number three who finally tells us the "computer board" is broken and they will order a new one. Seriously? Are you seriously telling me refrigerators have "mother boards" (as Meg said). I asked said home warranty company to reimburse me for the new groceries after the last guy told me nothing was wrong with the fridge and I bought food. They told me they could reimburse me for renting a fridge or buying a dorm size one but not directly for the food. Really? Really? It would cost more to do this than I spent on the groceries I tell them. They are unconcerned with the cost so much as the
protocol they must follow. Everybody has an agenda don't they? I'm sure there's some off the wall reason for this, but I'm no dummy. I will take your
protocol and run with it. Lila and I pile up and go to Target and buy a little fridge that will be perfect for my classroom this year. At the end of the day I go to hang out with girlfriends (some of which I haven't seen in a while) and have the best time. Kids are running around, we are all chatting like we just saw each other yesterday, and thoughts of the fridge are behind me. I come home, check my email and
facebook after the little one goes to bed, and head over to check in on the blogs I keep up with....
It's so easy to get caught up in the stupid CRAP that can invade your life. It's so easy to forget that you and your spouse have jobs, a home, and money to buy food to put in the broken refrigerator when many don't. It's so easy to forget how blessed you are, how lucky you are, how healthy you are....
I want to say thank you to my cousin Holly and her husband Mike. Mike recently found out that he has a very rare form of cancer and Holly has started a blog (shown on the lower right of this blog) to keep everyone up to date about their courageous journey. While it shouldn't take reading about their situation to remind me to constantly be grateful, I realize today that this is exactly what's happened.
My six word memoir for today: Never forget that you are blessed.
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