There are so many things I want to get done before baby gets here. The list seems endless. With spring being the most glorious time of year for Seth (or rather everyone but him) he's rarely home to help. Sara offered to get the vegetable garden up and running for me and I couldn't have been more thrilled. When Sara was nannying for us/living with us last spring she and I ventured into the world of Square Foot Gardening. It's really quite brilliant. However, we did a lot of things wrong. This year I had a plan. My plan was to plan better and actually use some resources instead of just winging it. So with the help of The All New Square Foot Gardening Book, Georgia Organics, and The Kitchen Garden Planner at Gardener's Supply Company my plan was ready. The raised beds were still standing and in good shape from last year. All I needed was someone who could do the dirty work.
Sara is a member of the Oakhurst Community Garden which I will also now be joining. They had a massive plant sale this weekend and she went to get about half of the plants we needed. I bought seeds at Farmer D Organics on Briarcliff. Sara then spent most of Sunday in the sweltering heat getting the job done. I have not been feeling 100% in the home stretch here so Seth's mom took Lila to a birthday party for Seth's Grandpa. Needless to say, the garden is up and running and I got some much needed lounging around done. Thank you Sara for everything you did!
Lila came home on a good times with family/birthday cake HIGH. She was in rare form and Sara took full advantage. I just love how happy they make each other ;-)
That video made me so happy!