Take, for instance, my most recent addition to my favorite things. The Flip video camera. If you've never seen one or used one you might be thinking, what's the big deal? It's a video camera. There are millions to choose from. I haven't owned many video cameras so I may not be the best judge. It has become one of my favorite things for various reasons that I mentioned in the favorite things tab. Unfortunately, with all favorites there are drawbacks. The only one I have found so far is most certainly user error. Basically, I take lots of random videos of Lila only to let them pile up in the Flip and forget about them. It is so quick and so easy to use. It's smaller than a cell phone. It gets lost in the "to do" pile. As a result, there are posts like this one overflowing with videos. One day there will be a very long video montage of Lila's life...one day when I am really on top of things. Enjoy!
This is what she was doing while I put on makeup one day...it seems she wanted to be alone.
I don't know what your kid is getting for Christmas, but mine is getting a big box of dish towels.
Have I mentioned the spinning? I'm pretty sure I have. I love how Carson is looking at Lila like "how did I get roped into being your friend?".
Have I also mentioned that Molly is the funniest thing Lila has ever seen?
You have to teach them good music young. Watch this one closely for her stellar dance moves.
Last but not least...mom, this one's for you. This is from today and I forgot she says the phrase "good job"...to herself.
PS - keep an eye out for a new DIY tab!
PPS - welcome to the world baby Everett!!!

Oh. My. Gosh. Jana - they video of her dancing had me laughing out loud in my office! She is too much! I can't wait to see her again and snuggle on her! :)
ReplyDeleteMy baby girl is SUCH a good dancer, just like her mom and her aunt! I love these videos, Jana, especially the buckle one! Maybe I'll feel differently about that toy the next time I'm there! "Good Job" is much better than "stuck"!!! I love you both to pieces! So sorry I missed being able to see you today and tomorrow at Carson's party! I so hope I'll be better enough by Sunday to pop in on you two!! Love you so much! Mom