Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Holla Hump Day

This week's shout outs go to...

...Katie. She suggested a kid swap day once a week for the summer. My girls go to her house on Tuesdays and the little Beans come to mine on Thursdays. Today was the first day. Granted, she had a four, three, and two year old AND a baby. I had coffee and computer time at Starbucks, a lengthy meeting with a new friend, and a jaunt around town to return things I bought for the mixer that I didn't wear. That's the best part. I can return the favor on Thursday! That Katie is a smart girl.

...Gretchen Rubin. Really though. I can't. express. it. enough. Read The Happiness Project. Even if you are sure you are just the most chipper, put together, glass half full, happy person ever. Read it anyway. Chances are good Gretchen is about to be my new writer BFF who doesn't know she is my BFF. That's ok. I have lots of those. In fact...

...Josie for discovering and then sharing with me that GLENNON MELTON IS COMING TO ATLANTA. This means that I am in fact going to meet one of my writer BFF's that doesn't yet know me. For those going to the book signing too please accept my sincerest apology for whatever scene I may cause. I can't promise I won't cry. Or act like a pre-teen meeting Bieber. For the first time ever I feel like the chance to meet a famous stranger is going to be pretty life changing for me. Or just really cool. Either way, thank you Josie for being so on the ball! It totally made my day. new friends from the Maiedae Mixer. Thank you for your comments and for being so lovely!

Happy hump day!


  1. YAY!!! Glennon is coming :) Can't wait to see her with you girls!

  2. So excited to meet Glennon with you! There is no question if I am going to cry...we can share tissues like we always do, except this time it will be for us and not our snotty little ones ;)

  3. So excited to meet Glennon with you! There is no question if I am going to cry...we can share tissues like we always do, except this time it will be for us and not our snotty little ones ;)


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