Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Holla Hump Day

This week's shout outs go to...

...Adele. I realize I don't know her but I think we could be great friends.  Let's just say I was feeling super out of sorts and her new CD yanked me out of the abyss. That's saying a lot considering the entire album is about a breakup and I'm old and married.

...the girls at the wedding shower I attended on Sunday. They totally made me feel like a rock star pregnant lady. Their sweet comments sort of erased the deer in headlights looks I got at the baby shower the day before. I mean, I realize I am the same size as the girl the baby shower was for who is due in three weeks (ok maybe I'm even a smidge bigger). I just want to tattoo myself with "I birth toddlers" so that people who are unable to control their reactions won't even have to think about it.

...Patty. Although, maybe I should be mad at you instead. I can't seem to get anything done because of bloglovin.  I even want to find more blogs. Really though, it's SO helpful and fun! If anyone wants to share their favorite blogs with me please comment!!!

...Kim. I had a shower filled weekend coming up and a diaper bag to finish. Kim went out and got a gift from both of us for the wedding shower she wasn't even going to. AND she brought it to my house. AND she wrote me a very super sweet card. She made my day and saved me the running around. Brilliant.

Happy hump day ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I got really nervous there for a second because I couldn't think of what I had done! Seriously though, I freaking love bloglovin.

    Here are some of my favorites:
    How about Orange
    Joy the Baker (she is hilarious)
    Martha Stewart's Craft Blog (of course, even though their craft instructions usually suuuck. good inspiration though)
    Oh, hello friend
    Sweet Toothed (that's my friend Meghan's blog)

    Oh and if you need yet another obsession: pinterest
    You can make inspiration boards/organize things you find online. Only problem I've found is you can't "pin" directly from bloglovin posts. BUT it's still really cool.


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