Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Holla Hump Day

This week's shout outs go to...

...Sara. This one is a little premature, but I feel like it may be one of those things where I need to thank her now and later. Sara, Lila, and I leave Saturday to fly to West Palm Beach to visit my dad. I did not get a ticket for Lila so she will probably be sitting in Sara's lap since mine is quickly disappearing. This little adventure could go completely fine or Lila could be a mess. Thank you Sara, in advance, for taking on the possible challenge! neighbors and the Beans for going with us to the rally at Livsey on Saturday. While Seth and I are skeptical about how this will all go down, it is so very nice to know the sense of community cannot be closed with the school (more on the possible closing of Livsey Elementary at a later date).

...Verizon Wireless for making my purchase of a new phone a piece of cake. AND, for getting it here overnight, for free. AND for telling me that I was paying overage fees I had no idea about and clearly stating in an email how I could change that. For a long time I have been of the belief that customer service is dead. Verizon may just change my mind.

Happy hump day!

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