Sunday, January 31, 2010


When you have a daughter you cannot ignore the intense need to make sure she is surrounded by women who exhibit qualities that will be so hard to find in the "role models" she may see throughout her life. As I sat this weekend and watched a handful of the women I rely on to be that for my daughter, I couldn't help but smile (repeatedly). I am so proud of myself. I mean, I couldn't have picked a better crew if I had held auditions or done interviews. Their skills and knowledge alone will show her that she can be or do whatever she puts her mind to. They are brilliant, wildly hysterical, and gorgeous women that I admire and love with all of my heart. 

I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I have acquired quite a few best girl friends. Every month we have a girls dinner. We go on girls weekends. We check up on each other and there is never a shortage of helping hands. When Lila was born girls dinner was at my house. My freezer was filled with meals and my perfect little baby got to meet some of the most important women in my life. When Katie's baby Carson was born we did the same thing. I know there are many babies to come and I simply can't wait to return the favor.

To all of you ladies in my life, I have a challenge for you...any time you have something negative to say about yourself or you start to feel like you just aren't good enough at something, think about what you would tell Lila if she was in your shoes. You would no doubt tell her how perfect she is and that there is no reason for her to think any less because it just isn't true. Shouldn't that apply for you as well? Believe me, I will be taking my own advice.

Thank you for another great weekend girls. I pray every day that when Lila is 30 she is even half as lucky as I am to be blessed with friends like you.


  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful group of friends. :)

  2. Thanks for calling all of us "best friends!" You are so right! We are all so lucky to have eachother!

  3. Jana - this is an amazing post. I feel so lucky and couldn't agree with you more!


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