Thanksgiving review:
The dress from high school that I was so proud to wear ended up (as you can probably tell from the pictures) squeezing my shoulder blades together because it really didn't fit so my back hurt the vast majority of the night. BUT, the food was good, Regis was indeed a wee little man, the decorations were gorgeous, and the company was wonderful. We are so good at pretending to be rich, high class society. Seriously, as we walked into the portion of the famous Breakers Hotel in West Palm Beach that was housing this event, the entrance way included two rows on either side of us of 10-20 stringed instruments being played for our arrival....ok not just us....it was for everyone. BUT, Sara and I agreed that we felt more famous than we probably ever will again. Bravo Lady in Red Gala....you made this sophisticated redneck feel every bit of her sophisticated side.
Hanging out with dad, Liz, Ben, and their dog Bubba was nothing short of glorious over Thanksgiving. Liz cooked wonderful food along with all the cookies and cakes she fattened us up with. Who knew putting Portuguese sausage in everything could be so good? Thanks again Liz! We seriously ate, laid around, and watched movies which would explain how glorious this trip was.
The downside of the whole thing? Sitting in traffic for 13 hours on the way home. Those folks in Florida really know how to piss of throngs of people. They must have been getting a good chuckle out the fact that they employed the three most uneducated toll booth operators in the entire state so that waiting at the two tolls would total almost two hours added to the trip. Not only were those three people (total) the only tolls open, but there is no way they knew how to add and subtract change. Each car took 5 minutes to pass through.....did I mention I am talking about the SUNDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING WHEN THE ENTIRE WORLD IS DRIVING HOME? We managed to come up with the exact $11.20 we owed to avoid forcing these people to provide the simple service of 2nd grade Math only to finally reach the booth and have the woman ignore us while she searched for something in her booth. We finally creep our way out of Florida (through tornadoes in Orlando as well mind you) only to near Atlanta where the drivers are now the morons. We sat in even more hours of traffic due to accidents ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY...needless to say, Seth came to close to having a coronary. Atlanta onlookers are truly the most infamous but legitimate drawbacks to living here. Seth compared our day to one of those end of the world movies where every car in America is stuck on a highway somewhere waiting for the asteroid or sunami or whatever to wipe them out.

Lastly, I got dressed for work on Monday to find out that my pants no longer fit (even though I had worn the exact same pants the day we got to Florida only days earlier). The baby bump/food baby from Thanksgiving eating has led to the purchase of my first pair of maternity pants. Not to mention the baby is said to be the size of a pickle now :-)
I hope your Thanksgiving was as glorious as ours minus the insufferable car ride....I promise I will blog again before Christmas....
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